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AG00062_.gif (7566 bytes)This page is where we will post many of your comments about this Web Site. We are looking for suggestions that will guide us in constantly upgrading our Web Site. We are proud of what we have constructed already, but we think your ongoing visits and comments will help us keep our Web Site dynamic and up-to-date. Send your ideas and comments via Email. We will select the best ones and give a response in the text below.

From Lynn: Overtree, former Kern River Preserve Assistant Manager and Founder of the Friends of the Kern River Preserve.

Lynn: "Birds are neat, but...

1. I am a botanist and I heard that Kern Co. has one of the highest diversity of species in the state. How can I learn more about hot places to botanize while I am visiting KRP? What is unique about KRP's botany?"

Our Response: Lynn, we inaugurated a "Flora of the Kern River Preserve" web page in December, 1999. It has a list of plants found on the Kern River Preserve. We are gathering information on the incredible botanical diversity of the Preserve, Kern Valley, and Southern Sierra (the highest diversity in California!) to share with Web Site visitors including a phone number where one can secure the latest wildflower viewing conditions in the area. We had visitors last year from as far away as North Carolina who came specifically to view local wildflowers and wildflower displays. We may not do a watershed checklist since that would include over 2,000 plant species, but we'll investigate that possibility as well. And, you may come to our Spring Nature Festival in April and go on one of our wildflower walks led by members of the California Native Plant Society.

Lynn: "2. I am a herpetologist and I heard that you have some neat range extensions and hybrids or blends of species in the Kern Valley that I'd like to come try to find. I also heard that there are some unique salamanders in the area. And I heard some vague mention of something about turtles. Can I learn more about this at KRP?"

Our Response: Yes! Check out our reptile pond turtle, and amphibians web pages.

Lynn: "3. I am a mammalogist and I read an article in the KRRC newsletter stating that the highest diversity of mammals north of Mexico occurs in the Kern Valley area? What mammals can be found there? Are there any bats, I think bats are cool?"

Our Response: The mammal diversity found here is the highest known in North America north of southern Mexico...over 115 species! As for bats, I believe nine species occur in the Kern Valley, alone. I am sure we can secure and post a list of the 115+ species of mammals, including bat species, found in the Southern Sierra Nevada centered around the Kern River Valley. For more, see our "Mammals" web page.

Lynn: "4. I am a restoration ecologist working on the Sacramento River and I keep hearing about a small riparian restoration project in Kern County that was supposedly very successful. I'd like to get more information on the project, their techniques, and the results of the restoration efforts there."

Our Response: You are right. We have several completed riparian forest (Fremont cottonwood, red willow, etc.) restoration projects completed and are conducting more. Check out our restoration web pages. Reed Tollefson, Kern River Preserve Manager, has even written a manual on riparian restoration techniques that has been very well received. Volunteers are always welcome on our monthly Kern River Preserve workdays. THANKS!

Lynn: "5. I am a tamarisk basher on the weekends (engineer at JPL during the week, need to get away from the desk). Tamarisk has been such a problem in our riparian systems throughout the west. I've never seen a stream without tamarisk (or Arundo or Russian olive), and I don't know if any exist. Last weekend, however, a fellow basher said they'd been to your preserve and claims you have virtually no tamarisk there. Is this correct? How do I arrange a visit to the preserve if it is? How do you do it? Can it be possible?"

Our Response: Right again. We do not know exactly how we have escaped the invasion of exotic pest plant species to the degree we have. But, we are very thankful. Visits to the Preserve to discuss restoration, exotic pest plant status and control, Preserve workdays, and to just be able to see such a healthy riparian system (not without problems though) may be arranged by making an appointment. Contact information is listed at several locations on this web site. For more information we suggest you visit the Cal EPPC (California Exotic Pest Plant Council) website, the pre-eminent California organization dealing with exotic pest plant issues.

Lynn: "6. I am a rancher on the western Sierra slope. I am interested in incorporating some practices that will benefit wildlife, as well as my cattle operation. It sounded like you had been able to bridge, at least partially, the gap between ranchers and environmentalists. Do you have any information on your projects that you could share with me? Any guidance? I'd love to read about some of your success projects on your web site, I think it would help all sides. Thanks."

Our Response: Reed Tollefson, Preserve Manager, has worked very hard to develop a relationship of openness, mutual respect, and cooperation with local ranchers. One example is a cooperative effort to eradicate the few Russian olive trees that do occur in the South Fork (Kern River) Valley.

Lynn: "Well, there are some thoughts - that should keep you busy. I'll let you know if I think of some other important topics for the web site."

Our Response: Lynn, thanks for your usual excellent and constructive input. Keep it coming! All of your suggestions are great. We plan to implement as many of them as possible as time permits. Stay tuned!

About Audubon Kern River Preserve

The Kern River Preserve is managed by Audubon California for the preservation of one of California’s largest contiguous cottonwood-willow riparian forests and the wildlife it supports.

Audubon Kern River Preserve supporters provide financial and volunteer support for Preserve outreach, education, wildlife habitat protection & stewardship.

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This site was created on October 21, 1998. Please Email to make comments or offer suggestions.