Friends of the Kern River Preserve



Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas, Solstice Blessings, Happy Festivus, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy & Prosperous New Year! Thanks to your dedicated support, Audubon's Kern River Preserve had an amazing year in the South Fork and Kelso Valleys. With our new full-time Land Steward, Sean Rowe, more acres of riparian and upland habitats were restored, wildlife barrier fences were removed and repaired and invasive weeds were held in check.

Thanks to your support, in 2009 the Kern River Preserve was able to achieve many critical victories including: protecting another 106 acres of habitat in along the South Fork Kern River.

Another full-year of activities is planned in 2010 and we hope you will join us in celebrating life in one of nature's treasures in the Kern River Valley. You are welcome to join us for either of the preserve's Christmas Bird Counts on January 2 & 3, 2010.

Are you one of the growing members of FACEBOOK? The preserve has a fan page where we post photos, announcements, and special invitations, please consider becoming a fan of the Kern River Preserve.

So many of you have helped us throughout the past year, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For those of you waiting to make a year-end donation to the Kern River Preserve, Thursday, December 31st is your last chance to donate and receive a tax credit for 2009. Mailed donations must be postmarked by December 31, 2009 to count for 2009 tax purposes. Online donations can be given until 11:59 p.m.  on the 31st.

Thank you for your loyal support.


Reed, Ali, Sean, Jeff, Sandra, and Denis

P.S. Visit our website - for up to date information at the Preserve.

Email for information on participating in upcoming events or call (760) 378-2531.